Wednesday, 6 March 2013

So Far Away

The rain is always beautiful, if you have a home.
The return is always wonderful, if the person waiting is your mom.
Sometimes it feels miserable and all alone,
Sometimes it feels you are still there and I am not on my own.

Sometimes in the dark when I am scared,
I turn on the lights to ward off the pain.
Relentless and in dismay,   
I call out your name, but you are so far away.

Sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night,
And only a lullaby can make me sleep tight.
I advance ahead to kiss your face so grey.
I am all alone, because you are so far away.
I see your smiling face in a photograph, and I wish you were here.
To revive me with your grace, ever so clear.
Somewhere very close and whispering night and day
Then when I open my eyes, I realise, you are so far away.

When tears roll down my eyes,
And I try to find solace in compromise.
When I close my eyes and realise,
I miss you in silent thoughts and in woeful cries.

And it still doesn’t feel that you are gone,
You will come by and hold me when I am down.
Keep me away from falling,
Lend me a shoulder for crying.

I stretch my arms for the comfort,
Then I realise that I am still hurt.
Now my life starts to go astray
Then I wake up to find, you are still so far away.

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