Saturday, 8 June 2013


Hello mother, my mother, can you hear me?
I haven’t slept in a while and I didn’t want this to be,
Behind this pantomime, I have become a body of inevitable lie,
Constantly terrified and this is not what you wished for me.

Oh mother, tell me now, what to do and who to be?
Battling this life, I am frequently and decisively intrigued.
Behind this network of masks, still lies your child,
Helplessly alone, thinking about you all the time.

Tell me mother, if a wrong can be made into a right,
Will my past frequent me with torment and dismay?
Or will my sins come undone for an emotionless final foray.
Oh! How I wish you would be here, but you, you are so far away.

Forgive me mother, for I tried my best and yet I have failed,
All your teachings and education have gone in vain,
Its time to sanctify my soul and liberate my mind to pasteurise the fate,
Please don’t wait by the door tomorrow, because I will be late.

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