Wednesday, 30 October 2013


All I wanted- was a father on whose shoulder I could rest my head,
a mother to stand by me, who could teach me the ways of life.

All I wanted, was to be a sapient and read a few books,
to learn a little, and to know a little more,
Talk what I felt was right in the country so frail,
And to go to school with my friends not covered in veil.

All I wanted, was to have a little freedom,
Wear the things I like, and dance to my rhythm.

All I ever wanted, was to be at peace even in a state of war,
Strive ahead to learn, and teach them all,
From the ones so young, those carry a gun,
To the ones so old, who ought to drop the weapon.

All I ever wanted, was to go to school and play with my friends,
and return back a happier and a wiser person.

All I wanted, was to live a regular life that is promised to a child,
when they are ushered with hope, happiness and reliance,
to grow up in this mundane world and be successful,
and learn to give it back in right time, to be more respectful.

All I wanted, was to be fearless, and do the right.
To live by the truth, and walk with my head held high.

All I wanted, was to fulfill my dreams and reach my destiny,
The thing that people call the motive of life,
But, when I walked through the school corridor to take a test,
I breathed my last, when I took three bullets in my chest.

My father wasn't allowed to weep, and my mother couldn't cry.
As I was left blood stained, with empty shells, abandoned, to die.
All I ever wanted, was a life that was free,
all that I eventually got, was what they had decided for me.

(Above inserted pic is taken from a video: Jawab de )

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