Thursday, 12 March 2015

The easily excited men of India

Recently on 4th of March 2015, the official broadcast of the documentary called ‘India’s Daughter’ was blocked by the government of India, 4 days prior its release. The official release was supposed to be broadcasted on NDTV 24X7 on the 8th of March, on international women’s day. However, due to the court orders BBC had little to no options, so they complied. The documentary was however channeled throughout the UK on BBC four and was soon uploaded on and within no time it went viral. On the 5th of March the government of India ordered Youtube to block the documentary. Youtube complied as well.
“Do you want a working wife or a housewife”, I asked one of my close friend who was an engineer from a very reputed university of Andhra Pradesh.
“Housewife bhai, you should always marry a housewife. Working women will ruin the house.”
“Oh! How is that so?” I asked trying to dig his thoughts.
“If women start working, who will take care of the house, who will take care of children and who will teach them our customs and traditions.”
My friend was oozing with machismo and I didn’t want to hear from him any further. So I walked away from a pride filled engineer, bloating with male chauvinism. From the brief discussion that I had with him, I could only comprehend two things. First, women do everything from cleaning the house, cooking for the family, raising children, teaching them values and feeding them. Second, and most important, they bear the children.
 I could also infer that all of the men’s activity can also be summed in two broad engagements- earning money and having sex, because obviously rest of the work is taken care of by the women folks.
Coming to the topic of sex, there was an interesting question asked by my biology teacher during the discussion of the chapter called reproduction.
“When is a frog’s birthday?” he asked trying to get an answer. None of us replied as we didn’t know the answer.
“It’s mostly during June and July, because they only reproduce during that time, but in the case of humans, it’s different, humans are always ready. That is the reason people share their birthdays from January to December.”
We all laughed at that time, but that simple example makes so much sense now. Men are always ready to have children, more importantly ready to have sex.
Every 20 minutes a female is raped in India. If that is not a shame for these so called macho hunk dudes, claiming to call themselves ‘MARD’, then I cannot fathom what is? They want a son as a child because a daughter will not take care of them in the future. A son will bring dowry whereas, a girl will siphon all the money during her marriage. That is some utter blasphemy right there, and no matter how hard you try to convince them that women are equal, they will just walk away. I don’t call them educated, I call these sick viruses of the society as literates, because all they can do is read and write. They do not know the difference between right and wrong, all they care about is themselves and their pride.
One of the lawyers from the defense council of the rape accused was ready to burn his own daughter if she had relations with another man before marriage.
Burn her down!! I mean what is she? Is she a paper or a piece of trash? She calls him dad and expects him to be her first line of defense from all harm. But, in return he claims on a documentary that he would burn her if she had relations with other men before marriage! I have no words to describe such a monster. He should be refrained from all sense of family. That might teach him a lesson or two. But I doubt that, these people can feed on their pride and survive for years. They are very close to cockroaches and mosquitos in terms of survival.
Coming back to the topic of sex. There is a quote by George Carlin which needs to be mentioned – “I wonder, does a rapist have a hard-on when he leaves the house in the morning, or does he develop it during the day while he's walking around looking for somebody.” None of the above might be true in all fairness. Some rapes might be planned, like the bastard had nothing to do with his life. But, most of them are out of the misunderstanding that they can get away with it. This is the common misconception they have, and so far it has proved to be more or less true. Thousands of rapes go unreported. Family pride is involved. I say to hell with this family pride and give the devil what he deserves.
I sometimes think why the women don’t lodge a complaint. Sure, there is a thing called family name involved and the omnipresent “neighbors” who always speak at the wrong time. But I really think why they can’t. Then I remembered the police, the doctors and the lawyers are the three worst people you could get tangled to if you want problems in your life. Doctors and lawyers can still be fine, but on an average, I haven’t seen people praising the policemen. I don’t generalize them based on most of them, but the most people would agree with me on that. Oh the policemen, money thirsty government employees. All they crave is money, as if they will be in procession when they die. To tell you the fact the police have the power to stop it. The people have the power to stop it. But nobody is stopping it.
This is the exactly the chance that a rapist needs, a chance to think that he can get away. A chance that he thinks, no one will notice and a chance that everything will be buried in time.
Today, one of the students were denied internship in a German university because the professor was troubled by the amount of rapes that were happening in India and she wanted to ensure that nothing of that sort happened (as we all know from the biology class, that humans are always ready to have sex). This letter went viral. The ambassador to Germany wrote a mail to the professor and she later apologized.
Wait, if you think that is the end of the story then let me tell you more. That wasn’t the end. The easily-troubled middle class erupted on social media to voice their opinions. “Rape the professor”. “Germans are racists”. “Western countries do not have sense”, and so on and so forth. If you haven’t guessed it, these are the aforementioned literates. They only know how to read and write. Applying thought and knowledge they never learned. On one hand they go on to say that you cannot generalize every Indian because some are rapists, and on the other hand they go on and generalize the entire German population as racist, based on the comments made by a single Professor.
10000 people in Nagaland invade a prison and lynch a person who was arrested on rape charges. The public was fast to react. In the words of one of my friend these are “blood thirsty and vengeful public.” They will not sit down and stage a nationwide protest. They can certainly lynch a person who was arrested on charges of rape (he was not convicted yet). Isn’t this the problem of the middle class in India, they will only rise and fight for it, if and only if it is directly hurting them. As long as they are not hurt, everything can lay in its place. This attitude is the main reason that politicians are not put in jail. Corruption is a major problem, hunger is an epidemic, where the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.
This country, with the large bulk of middle class has given the priority to burgers and not beggars, and if this attitude does not change then there will always be poor people in India who will sleep without food. There will always be rapes in India, where the rapist still thinks he can get away. The police will only act if the government tells it to act. The government will only act when the people force them to act. Every middle class needs to be hurt by every rape so that they understand the pressures and the pain involved in this trauma. It is only then when the nation will hear if we all stand up in one voice and say that this ends today. If a party can come in full majority to win the biggest democratic elections in India playing the middle class card, then I have all the more reasons to be supportive that the same middle class can stand up and fight against the epidemic called rape.

The above was the actual writing that were suppose go online. But, yesterday I read about a rape of a 6 year old. Did she wear less clothes or did she excite him? How did he get turned on by a 6 year old child? I hear of these incidents and think to myself whether we do have freedom. A freedom to say no to a guy’s proposal and not be attacked by acid over our face. No we don’t and sad that we can still pour our fake remorse and empathy over the internet and not take one step towards the betterment of the society in general.

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