Wednesday, 1 April 2015

My Choice.

So these people are at it again. One video has created massive outrage throughout the country and every keyboard warrior is out on the streets of the internet mocking, spreading hateful messages and ridiculing Deepika. They are making their voices heard and stamping their authority to say that this video is wrong in so many levels and dimensions. There was a news too where a man was found peeing in public and he was heard stating that that was his choice.
Freedom of speech is granted by the constitution, but you don’t go and abuse your father do you? Do you challenge the constitution of India and demand that you should have a right to abuse whoever you want? You don’t.
“It is my choice if I want to have sex outside of marriage”- this is the statement that has hauled every so called lunatic out of his shell and onto the streets. Men can’t take it if women start to rise and say things like this. In this country women are not equal to men, I agree to that. Women are not equal to men. They are far superior in the aspects of life.
It’s has always been about men in this world. The history, the evolution, the wars, the destruction, the guns, the murders, the drugs, the killing and the mayhem on this planet we call ‘Mother Earth’. Have you ever given it a thought as to why it is mother earth and not father earth? It’s plain and simple- had it been a male he would have destroyed himself long time back. It’s the patience of the women that is tested time and again and on multiple occasions. These male chauvinists who claim that women are being given too much liberty should go fuck themselves.
It’s always been about dicks to these men. The bigger dick will rule the world. USA bombing other countries, just to prove that they have bigger dicks. They tried it with Russia, but hey, Russians have big dicks too, so they started a cold war. Everywhere it has been these men who have created violence and destruction in the life of other humans. All the wars till date have been fought primarily by men. The evilest men that this earth has seen have been men, be it Hitler or Stalin. So why the sense of pride if I may ask? Why is there a bloated ego that you are a man and you have a right to do things? Well, for your information, you don’t.
Let’s come to the topic of women empowerment. Most of you would have never heard about Maggie Doyne. Look up in Wikipedia, you will know about her. She is an American citizen living in Nepal. She had opened an orphanage there to take care of the orphans who had no one to support them after the civil war. She started with the orphanage, now she has a school where there are around fifty students. She has a health clinic too. She helps women by teaching them the art of sewing. She teaches them to be independent and self-reliant. She teaches them to read and write in English. Together these women are learning the art of doing something useful that can not only help themselves but also their families. This is called empowerment. These women who would have otherwise not done anything are now learning ways of life.
Women empowerment is not a video by Vogue. Vogue magazine that portrays slim, well maintained female models showing their body, cannot be the source of empowerment. Empowerment refers to increasing the spiritual, political, social or economic strength of individuals and communities. It does not refer to the flaunting of sexuality. It does not mean wearing a set of clothes, having sex with someone, returning home late. To be frank no one should be even awake at four in the morning let alone returning from somewhere.
The video is an effort to say that women have their choice in terms of sexuality and sex. It has nothing to do with empowerment and it has nothing to do with the people endorsing it. So to the men who think that a women cannot do what she pleases, well neither can you. So stop poking your dick in others matter. My point is that people are being made role models for things that they do not support and feel. Wrong people are being put on TV for wrong things, and we need to stop that. On the other hand being men, we need to say to our dicks- let the brain do all the thinking, you should rise for sex.
To all men, let women be empowered (see the meaning above).
To all women, empowering doesn’t mean you wear the same clothes as men and join the exact corporations that they join and ruin the lives of the others making money and going after materialistic items. Be different. Sexuality is not democracy. You can be more.
Deepika- do shampoo and moisturizer advertisements, don’t make a fool out of yourself coming on youtube and saying you support empowerment. Let’s face it. You don’t.
Maggie- you are the real hero.

Inspired by the words of George Carlin.

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